Our dojo, the Rivonia Kendo Club (based in Johannesburg, South Africa) is on a quest to network with as many kendo, Iaido, and/or Jodo dojos from around the world as possible! We will list all these dojos on our website, in return that you do the same! The intention is to build a global list of these dojos so that when we are allowed to travel again, we will be able to reach out to these dojos and train in that country! So if you are keen to include your dojo in this list, this is what is required, please:
1. Say yes, and include a link to your dojo in the comment below.
2. Send an email to the following email address, info@rivoniakendo.co.za, and include the following information:
A. Dojo Name
B. Dojo physical address for all location(s). Please be sure to include city and country.
C. Indicate if you practise Kendo, Iaido and/or Jodo
D. Dojo sensei's name
E. Website address
F. All social media handles (FB, IG, TT, etc...)
G. Contact person/people at the dojo
H. Contact details
I. Dojo's international affiliation
Looking forward to meeting as many people from dojos from around the world as possible!
The Rivonia Kendo Club (RKC) trains Kendo and Iaido, Japanese sword-based martial arts that encourages the cultivation of the human character.
We are back training LIVE at our dojo, but online training still continues 5x a week! Check out our website for more details!